Articles & Chapters
I have written a number of journal articles and book chapters about “Coloured” identity and post-apartheid memory in Cape Town, dockside prostitution in Cape Town and Durban, South African maritime history, and various higher education issues across the Global South, including open educational resources and social justice.
South African History, Culture and Memory
Sailing Beyond Apartheid: The Social and Political Impact of Seafaring on Coloured South African Seamen
in Carina Ray & Jeremy Rich (Eds.), Navigating African Maritime History (Liverpool UP, 2009), pp.189-213.
Soliciting Sailors: The Temporal Dynamics of Dockside Prostitution in South Africa
Journal of Southern African Studies Vol.35, No.3 (Sept 2009): 699-713.
Trauma and Memory: The Impact of Apartheid-Era Forced Removals on Coloured Identity in Cape Town
in Mohamed Adhikari (Ed.), Burdened by Race: Coloured Identities in Southern Africa (UCT Press, 2009), pp.49-78.
Dockside Prostitution in South African Ports
History Compass Vol.6, No.3 (2008): 673-690.
Navigating Risk: Lessons From the Dockside Sex Trade for Reducing Violence in South Africa’s Prostitution Industry
Sexuality Research & Social Policy Vol.4, No.4 (Dec 2007): 106-119.
The Women of Durban’s Dockside Sex Industry
in Rob Pattman & Sultan Khan (Eds.), Undressing Durban (Madiba Press, 2007), pp. 441-452.
Sailors as Scribes: Travel Discourse and the (Con)textualization of the Khoikhoi at the Cape of Good Hope, 1649-1690
Journal of African Travel-Writing Vols. 8 & 9 (2001): 30-44.